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INFO about the ZX81 programmes (.P) supplied with XTricator & XTender
Compilation & Descriptions (c) by Carlo Delhez, November 1991.
ASTRCONV * Astral Convoy by C. Panayi, Vortex Software, 1982
* space/shooting game, machine coded
* protect your space convoy by destroying the alien attack
ships, while avoiding alien space mines
* named player, pleasantly scrolling screen
* steering: instructed
* requires copy of ZX81 font table (address $1E00) to be
present at address $3E00 also
* exit when name is requested by STOP
BREAKOUT * BreakOut, author unknown, undated
* ball game, machine coded
* bounce the ball back with your bat to destroy the bricks
of the wall in front of you
* variable speed, up to 9 balls, 2 skill levels
* steering: instructed
* exit when speed/balls/level is requested by STOP
BUGBURST * BugBurst by Hogroprog, undated
* pacman-alike game, combined Basic & machine code
* extinguish the flashing objects but watch out for the bugs
dancing around you
* interesting animation, 15 screens, demo mode
* steering: instructed
* many delays before game starts; wait patiently
* exit any time using Break
CBI * Coral Basic Interpreter version 7.0 by Carlo Delhez, 1987
* extension of ZX81 basic and editor, machine coded
* type POKE 16388,8 \ POKE 16389,107 \ NEW before loading
* when being started with RAND USR 27400, useful commands to
* pseudo screen editor, no tokens but full typing
* many new commands available, e.g. for structured loops,
procedures, renumbering, indentation, graphics, debugging
and machine code utilities; manual available on request
* user-friendly syntax check returns cursor near error
* exit by typing EXIT or NEW
CBI-DEMO * Coral Basic Interpreter Demo by Carlo Delhez, 1987
* demonstrates some features of CBI, in Basic and machine code
* load programme only when CBI is active (otherwise error C)
* demo is mainly intended for studying the new features of
CBI, not as a serious toolbox
CLCKFREQ * Clockfrequency by Carlo Delhez, October 1991
* benchmark programme to determine effective processor speed
* does some simple printing and plotting and counts the number
of frames needed; this is compared to the original ZX81;
the result gives a rather good indication of emulator speed
* requires Frames to be emulated (OK on XTender, XTricator)
DEMOLITN * Demolition by Dr. David P. Nowotnik, Phipps Associates,
January 1982
* ball game, combined Basic & machine code
* launch oscillating balls in order to destroy the bricks
of a wall before it reaches the top of the screen
* a simple yet original variation of breakout
* steering: instructed
* exit any time using Break
DISASS * Disassembler by Campbell Systems, undated
* simple yet sufficient, combined Basic and machine code
* decimal addresses, hexadecimal dump, decimal disassembly
* generates non-standard Z80 mnemonics sometimes
* instructions given in load screen
EB2-DEMO * Extended Basic Level 2 Demo by Frits Beniest, 1983
* demonstration of REM-based ZX81 basic extension,
combination of Basic and machine code
* the use of Fill, In/Out, Read, Data, Cls, Draw/Undraw,
Scroll, Circle and many more are shown
* Dutch texts
* exit any time using Break
FROGGER * Frogger by Cornsoft, undated
* evasive game, machine coded
* guide the frog through heavy traffic and over a river
with floating tree trunks to his homes
* 1 or 2 players, 5 skill levels, nice graphics
* steering: A/Z = up/down
N/M = left/right ; note: non-repetitive!
* no official exit
GASMODEL * Gasmodel by Ch. Zwirschke, March 1983
* simulates kinetics of a gas, machine coded
* using diffuse reflections and collisions, the kinetic
behaviour of the molecules of a gas in a closed box
is simulated
* speed of the molecules can be varied
* programme text in German
* exit any time using Break
GAUNTLET * Gauntlet by Colourmatic Computing, 1982
* shooting game (scramble), machine coded
* move your ship through the caverns and try to destroy
the enemy installations while avoiding their projectiles
* 1 or 2 players, 6 phases, very smooth scrolling
* steering: instructed
* processor frequency independent operating speed
* exit at one of the intro pages by Break
GUZZLERS * Guzzlers by DataBase, undated
* pacman game, machine coded
* eat the pills, but look out for the ghosts; you can eat the
ghosts after having taken one of the special pills
* up to 4 players, 3 choices for number of lives (Oh-Shits)
* steering: instructed
* ignore the message `please stop the tape' (small delay)
* no official exit
KRZYKONG * Krazy Kong by C.P.Cullen, Personal Software Services, undated
* no offical exit
LA-PULGA * La Pulga by Paco Suarez, Indescomp, undated
* highly original jumping flea game, machine coded
* a flea at ground-level has to reach the finish (`meta') at
high altitude by jumping from obstacle to obstacle; the
flea can only jump left or right at a 45 degree angle, but
with variable speed
* 5 courses, 3 levels of play, modification of course
* steering: instructed
* exit at the main menu by Break
PANEL * ZX-Panel, author unknown, undated
* Handy and compact memory toolkit (3.5k), machine coded
* When LOADed it puts itself at address 29126 above RAMtop
and gives a NEW. The programme is started by typing
RAND USR 29126. You get a hex memory map around address 0.
Using Enter and Arrow Up you can walk through memory,
using Arrow Down you can walk through registerpairs. At the
prompt you can type a hexadecimal number, which is poked
at the current address. The number can be 1 or more bytes
long. If the first character is a full stop (`.') you can
pass a command. Available commands are:
.0 = set new current address
.1 = copy block of memory
.2 = execute programme
.3 = fill block of memory
.4 = set breakpoint
.5 = character dump (use e.g. keys 1, 2 and 5)
.6 = exit panel
.7 = alter current registerpair
In all cases, type addresses with four hex digits and data
with two hex digits.
QUADRAT * Quadrat, author unknown, undated
* Solves second order polynomes with rational coefficients,
* Type the coeffients A, B and C of the polynome in the form
(numerator)/(denominator); the solution(s) (if any) and the
extremum are printed
* text in German
RED-ANTS * Red Ants by Carlo Delhez, August 1984
* maze game, machine coded
* walk through the giant ants nest, eating their eggs and
meanwhile looking out not to get stung by an ant
* vast maze, special steady-player screen scrolling
* steering: instructed
* exit during title page by Break
SCRAMBLE * Scramble, author unknown, undated
* shooting game, machine coded
* your ship can be moved in 8 directions through underground
galleries in order to bomb and fire at the enemy
installations and to avoid obstacles, missiles or flying
* 1 or 9 lives
* steering: instructed
* exit when the number of lives is requested by Break
SCRMBL81 * Scramble-81, author unknown, undated
* shooting game, machine coded
* description same as `SCRAMBLE', see there
* 3 lives, smooth graphics
* steering: instructed
* exit at instruction page by Break
YAHTZEE * Yahtzee by Carlo Delhez, September 1983
* dice game, Basic
* fill your Yahtzee sheet by trying to throw the right
combinations of dice; rules of Yahtzee not included
* up to 20 players, Dutch text, sorted scores
* exit any time using Break
<*** End of File ***>